National Gatherings
Participants explore, create and observe through daily classes which will include technique (western and nonwestern) and collaborative multigenerational choreography.
Participants create dance works in collaborative multigenerational classes, learning new dances in cultural and world classes as well as viewing or performing dances in a professional theatre each evening. Classes are taught by dance educators and instructors from across the country. They share their expertise and passion for dance and provide enriching, age-appropriate, creative, and culturally-authentic experiences.
The daCi USA national gathering allows children, young people and adults to come together in a collaborative, culturally, and artistically rich dance environment for three action-filled days. The national gathering occurs every three years and rotates locations.

7th National Gathering
Anchored in Hope: Expanding Horizons - Holland, Michigan (2023) - Learn more

6th National Gathering
Open Space - Salt Lake City, Utah (2017)

5th National Gathering
Forms Unfolding: Dancing in the Emerald City - Seattle, Washington (2014) - Learn more

4th National Gathering
Breaking Boundaries, Creating Connections - Denton, Texas (2011) - Learn more

3rd National Gathering
Creating Landscapes - Provo, Utah (2008) - Learn more

2nd National Gathering
Out of Many - We are One - Philadelphia, PA (2005) - Learn more.

1st National Gathering
Connecting, Collaborating, Creating: Best Practices in Dance Education! - Amherst, MA (2001) - Learn more

International Conferences
International conferences aim to bring together a broad international community of artists, scholars, professors, teachers, educators, young dancers, students and other academic citizens to exchange and develop new creative ideas, present scientific and artistic projects, share knowledge about new approaches and innovations in the fields of dance arts and education, and build collaborations.
July 2022 - 15th International Conference - Dancing into Communities, hosted online by Toronto, Canada
July 2018 - 14th conference: 2nd Joint World Dance Congress - Panpapanpalya: dance gathering generations learning, hosted in Adelaide, Australia
2015 - 13th conference - Twist and Twin: Dancing Identities, hosted in Kopenhagen, Denmark
July 2012 - 12th International Conference: 1st Joint World Dance Congress - Dance, Young People and Change, hosted in Taipei, Taiwan
July 2009 -11th International Conference Cultures Flex: Unearthing Expressions
of the Dancing Child, hosted in Kingstown, Jamaica
Summer 2006 - 10th international conference - Colouring Senses, Moving, Creating, Observing Three Dimensions of the Dancing Child, hosted in The Hague, Netherlands
Summer 2003 - 9th International Conference - Breaking Boundaries: Dances, Bodies and Multiculturalism, hosted in Salvador, Brazil
1985 - 3rd conference - Dance - The New Zealand Experience, Auckland, New Zealand
1982 - 2nd conference Children and Youth Dancing, Stockholm, Sweden
1978 - A beginning through a conference
July 25 - 27 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Take my Kids Where?!
While traveling with children may seem daunting, the benefits of travel to a daCi event are myriad.
- Children have an important role in the proceedings. They learn new things from exciting, expert teachers.
- Cultural dance forms, new techniques, and creative process sessions make for engaging learning experiences.
- Children meet many other children who dance seriously, which can be an eye opener, and enhance their effort and commitment to your program.
- Attending a conference builds bonds of friendship across geographic boundaries and within their own group.
An excerpt from the article "Take my Kids Where?!" by Jeanne Traxler (2004)
The community. The classes and variety of classes. Seeing my 3-year-old create and perform. Seeing the connections my middle kiddos (and everyone else) made with others. Witnessing the independence of my oldest children. Meeting/dancing with people in person. Seeing my oldest child heal her relationship with dance. The organization of it was also stellar.

National Gathering
Adult Participant
The convention helped me realize my love for dance, and I truly had a wonderful time.

National Gathering
Youth Participant