Anchored in Hope: Expanding Horizons, the 7th National Gathering in Holland, Michigan, on the beautiful campus of Hope College will provide a multitude of dance experiences, including daily skills and cultural classes, intergenerational creative classes, and performing opportunities for ages 7 to adult.
daCi participants will enjoy an evening performance and dinner on Wednesday and a dance party on Saturday evening. We invite children, adults, dancers, educators, and dance advocates to come together to celebrate the power of dance.
Join us and enjoy the unique and inspiring opportunities for people of all ages to connect and collaborate through the power of dance.
Registration opens January 1, 2023.
Nicki Flinn, Gathering Chair

What is a daCi USA National Gathering?
This national gathering is an opportunity for children, young people and adults to come together in a collaborative, culturally, and artistically rich dance environment for three action-filled days. Participants will explore, create and observe through daily classes including technique (western and nonwestern) and collaborative multigenerational choreography. Participants will create dance works in collaborative intergenerational classes, learning new dances in cultural and world classes and viewing or performing dances in a professional theatre each evening. Classes will be taught by dance educators and instructors from across the country. They will share their expertise and passion for dance and provide enriching, age-appropriate, creative, and culturally-authentic experiences.
Participant, 6th National Gathering, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2017
"We connected with daCi USA friends and colleagues, shared ideas and creativity, made new friends and connections. We were exposed to new dance styles and mixed generations of dancers had the chance to work together and learn from each other. Students and teachers that work together on a regular basis got to see and be with each other as equals... we are all students and learners at daCi USA."
Participant, 6th National Gathering, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2017
"I benefited from dancing with multiple generations and having the opportunity to create work together."
Teacher, 6th National Gathering, Salt Lake City, Utah 2017
"My dancers were able to experience new forms of dance while also sharing their own skills and ideas with other dancers. It was an opportunity for everyone to try new things, grow, and develop as a dancer."
Henry, Age 13, 6th National Gathering, Seattle, Washington, 2014
"I learned so many things at this conference. But I especially loved working with my core group instructor David Williams. He was very funny. He called me Beyonce when he found out how much I liked her, which made me laugh. He encouraged me to do things that I thought I couldn’t do, like safely lifting other dancers who were bigger than me. He encouraged us to reach further and further through our dancing. He created beautiful dance, and good friendships, too."
Teacher, 6th National Gathering, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2017
"My dancers gained great experience working with a variety of kids, teens and adults; I was inspired with many new ideas for teaching to bring back to my studio and company. It was also fantastic to connect with so many people in our dance world here in the U.S."

Stream Performances
Our Friday evening performance and Saturday creative sharing performance were streamed for those not attending the conference to view and enjoy. Members of daCi, family, and friends can continue to enjoy our celebration of dance with the recordings on our YouTube channel (@daCi_USA).
Evening Performance - Friday, July 28th, 7-8:30 pm EST - Click here to watch the recording.
Core Group Performance - Saturday, July 29th, 5-6:30 pm EST - Click here to watch the recording!
Classes at the National Gathering
Skills classes are where participants are gathered in age-alike groups to explore and develop new technical dance skills. These classes happen each morning and are modern and contemporary technique classes facilitated by one or two professional dance educators. Class content is curated specifically for the age and experience of each group.
Core classes are intergenerational sessions that meet daily to create a choreographic work based on the gathering theme. These collaborative creative sessions are facilitated by two professional dance teaching artists. Products of the creative sessions are performed at the end of the gathering on Saturday evening.
Options classes allow participants of all ages to explore another art form, dance style, or genre. Participants have two opportunities to choose from four or five options classes. See below for Options Teacher Bios.
Perspectives classes allow participants of all ages to explore the cultural, ethnic, and societal context of dance forms from across the globe in the past and present. Perspectives classes highlight the diversity of dance traditions worldwide and in our international dance community.
Choose your classes by July 1st!
Participants must rank their top five classes from the Perspectives and Options Class selections. Use the form in the button below to rank your classes. There will be opportunities to experience 3 Perspectives and 2 Options classes.
Meet our Teachers!
Skills Teachers
Core Teachers
Options Teachers
Perspectives Teachers
Hope College Campus

Housing and Meals
Standard Residence Hall
These buildings offer a traditional residence hall ambiance and are well equipped with lounges and laundry facilities. The rooms are double occupancy with shared bathrooms on every floor. Standard residence halls are non-air-conditioned. Linens are provided.
Chaperones are required for all groups which involve youth participants (18 and under). Groups must provide 1 adult chaperone for every 10 youth participants. Adult chaperones are responsible for the supervision of participants from arrival to departure, and must be housed with the participants.
- Double occupancy: $30/night
- Single occupancy: $48/night
- Linens: $25 (includes sheets, pillow, blanket)
- Meal plan (9 meals): $105/week (12+) or $50/week (11 & under)
There is an option to arrive on Tuesday, July 25th, but not to stay Sunday evening. Contact Nicki Flinn for more details.
Haworth Inn and Conference Center
(225 College Avenue Holland, Michigan 49423)
The Haworth Hotel (located on Hope College Campus) has a limited number Single King Rooms held for the daCi USA Gathering at $299.00 per night
With the group code, guests can go to www.haworthhotel.com and make their reservations online www.haworthhotel.com and make their reservations. The group code should be entered as the group code when prompted.
You can also call 616-395-7200 and speak to a guest service representative to make a reservation. Group Code: 2307DACIRB. Rooms must be booked no later than April 15, 2023.
Marriott Downtown Holland and City Flats are a short walk to campus.
Local Airbnb’s within walking distance may be an option.
There are several hotels in the greater Holland area, but they will need transportation, they are not in walking distance.
Dress Recommendations
For most classes, participants should be prepared with comfortable clothing that gives them access to their full range of motion. The clothing should be appropriate for higher temperatures and close contact and weight sharing with other dancers.
It is a good idea to travel with a pair of dance socks as some studio floors are stickier than others. You will want a good pair of walking shoes for traveling around Holland and Hope College campus as well.
All dancers should wear coverups to and from class and when on the Hope College campus and in town. Your daCi T-Shirt is a perfect option for that!
Shoes or special footwear are only required for select options and perspectives classes. Check the schedule when it is released to determine if specific clothing or shoes will be required.
Call for Performances
The National Gathering schedule includes evening performances by individuals and groups who are daCi members and registered for the conference. To accommodate as many groups as possible, we ask that solos be no more than four minutes and group performances no longer than six. Groups will be given priority over solos. However, we will strive to accommodate all requests.
Groups and individuals must submit electronically using the google form linked below. In the submission form, you will be asked to provide the following:
- Link to a video of the dance
- Photo of costumes (if the video performance doesn't include them)
- Music file with the best sound quality possible (MP3 or MP4 files)
- Concert registration information
- Technical requirements

Acceptance Criteria for Group/Solo Performances
- Performers must hold a daCi individual or group membership and must register for the National Gathering.
- Movement, content, style, and costumes must be age-appropriate.
- Content connects to the National Gathering theme of “Anchored in Hope: Expanding Horizons” in some way.
- Choreography should demonstrate an inclusive, process-oriented approach (i.e. children’s thoughts and contributions have been incorporated throughout the choreographic process, thus staying true to daCi’s objectives).
- Solos will be a maximum of 4 minutes and group pieces a maximum of 6 minutes.
- We will try to accommodate all performance requests.
The submission deadline is February 15th. Performers will be notified on March 1.
Registration and Pricing
Early Bird
Jan 1 – April 30 |
May 1 – June 30 |
Non-Member Pricing
Early Childhood (0-6 years) | Free | Free | Free |
Youth/College Students | $200.00 | $245.00 | $295.00 |
Adults | $275.00 | $325.00 | $375.00 |
Chaperone | $100.00 | $125.00 |
Adult participants can hold an individual membership or be one of the adults listed on a group membership registered for a family ($75), dance group ($75), or organization/institution ($100).
College students can be affiliated with an individual student membership ($30) or as part of their university/college institutional membership ($100), which provides membership status to five individuals with each membership.
Youth participants should be affiliated with a daCi USA family or dance group membership ($75).
Chaperones do not need to have membership in daCi USA to register for the conference as a chaperone.
Cancellation Policy: $75 of registration is non-refundable. The last day to cancel and receive a refund for the remaining registration amount is Friday, June 16th. If you cancel later than Friday, June 16th you will have to work with conference organizers to find out if any refund for dorms/meal plans is available. Cancellations should be requested in writing and emailed flinn@hope.edu. If the Gathering is canceled, a full refund will be given. daCi USA cannot be held responsible for any cancellation or change in charges assessed by airlines, travel agencies, or other institutions in the event of program cancellation.
The daCi USA Board of Directors is delighted to announce a grant from the Cooper-Newell Foundation to support scholarships for the 2023 daCi USA Gathering in Hope, Michigan. The Board is committed to assisting as many attendees as possible who apply to the scholarship fund. To meet this goal, the scholarship will cover the Gathering Registration Fees, as described above. Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis so it is advisable to apply as early as possible.
The scholarship fund is available to all participating members of daCi USA, or those affiliated through group/family or institutional memberships, who register to attend the Gathering. This includes Youth/College Students, Adults (19+), and Chaperones. One-to-one dance partners of participants with disabilities are eligible to apply for scholarships.
Application Process
Fill out the google form at the link below to submit your application. The priority deadline for applications is January 1st. The final deadline is March 1. Applicants will be notified about the awards on January 1 and April 1.
Completing the application takes about 10 minutes if you have the following items ready.
- Personal Contact Information
- Knowledge of the status of your daCi USA Membership
- If traveling with a group, you need knowledge of whether your studio, school, or teacher has a current daCi USA Membership
- Statement of financial need (200 words or less)*
- Description of how the applicant’s attendance at the gathering will enhance the applicant’s broader life experiences. (200 words or less)
*Chaperones need only complete the statement of financial need on the application. They do not need a description of how the Gathering will enhance their broader life experience.
Contact Mady Cantor at mcantor@brynmawr.edu and Carol Day at Carolanneday@gmail.com if you have further questions about scholarships or need any assistance.

Participating as a Chaperone
There should be at least one chaperone for every 10 youth participants at the National Gathering. Chaperones take responsibility for responding to youth participants' needs throughout the conference. Chaperones help young dancers find their classes and navigate the dorms, dining hall, and campus.
The chaperone fee includes the following:
- Opening Performance and Ice Cream Social on Wednesday evening
- Class Observations
- Thursday & Friday evening performances
- Gathering Showing on Saturday
- Closing Dance Party on Saturday evening
Things to do in Holland!
Plan to arrive a day or two early or stay after the conference to experience all that Hope has to offer, including brilliant mountains, hiking trails, museums, libraries, theatres, and restaurants. Browse the Holland Chamber website for information about activities in and around Holland.
White sandy beaches on Lake Michigan – Holland State Park and Tunnel Park, berry picking, dune rides in Saugatuck, and parks galore.
Explore Hope College Campus
Pool, basketball courts, exercise equipment, and racquetball courts in the Dow Physical Education Center Central green area for informal gatherings or to relax and unwind
Contact Us
- General Questions: Nicki Flinn - flinn@hope.edu
- Scholarships: Mady Cantor - mcantor@brynmawr.edu & Carol Day carolanneday@gmail.com
- Performances: Cally Flox - cally_flox@byu.edu
- Registration/Payments: Nicki Flinn - flinn@hope.edu
- Membership: Sean Guymon - webmaster@daCiUSA.org
*dance and the Child international (daCi) is a nonprofit organization aiming to promote growth and development in dance for children and youth internationally, irrespective of race, color, sex, religion, and national or social origin.