- act as Chief Executive Officer;
- ensure that the duties of the National Board are implemented;
- ensure that meetings are called and managed and agendas prepared;
- call Executive Committee meetings when deemed necessary;
- serve as an ex-officio member of all committees of daCi USA
- assist the Chair in the execution of the duties of his/her office;
- In the event of the Chair¹s inability to perform the duties of the office, the Chair-Elect shall assume the functions of the Chair;
- review by-laws and suggest revisions (if needed)
National Representative
- attend and represent daCi USA at International Advisory meetings or find an appropriate representative if unavailable to attend;
- submit a report to the dance and the Child international Advisory Board meetings;
- carry out the duties as prescribed by daCi;
- attempt to increase membership;
- establish and maintain regular contact with national members;
- ensure that a national report is sent to the daCi Newsletter at least once a year;
- link with relevant organizations to create a network.
- ensure that proper meeting minutes are kept up-to-date and circulated as appropriate;
- have charge of the official correspondence of daCi USA except in matters where it may be necessary for the Chair, as chief officer, to assume this responsibility;
- distribute agendas to the appropriate people.
- maintain the National account;
- receive and disperse moneys for the organization;
- maintain and keep records of all financial transactions;
- prepare financial statements for the National Board annually;
- assist in preparing the annual budget;
- keep a record of up-to-date membership and dues;
- ensure that membership fees are sent to the International Treasurer.
Member Liaison
- represent the needs of daCi USA members at daCi USA Board meetings;
- facilitate the membership renewal process;
- organize lapsed member notifications;
- review the website to be sure the latest information is displayed annually;
- deliver monthly member communications (daCi Delights).
Newsletter Editor
responsible for producing the bi-annual newsletter for daCi USA members in the spring and fall by soliciting articles and information from a variety of sources.
Past National Representative
serve in an advisory capacity to the National Board and oversee nominations and elections.
- attempt to increase membership in their geographic area by organizing regional daCi events and providing daCi information;
- serve on subcommittees of the daCi USA board;
- provide information to the Newsletter Editor.