daCi Newsletter
The daCi USA newsletter, a bi-annual publication, connects our members by providing information on upcoming events, innovations in dance education, exciting curriculum ideas and new trends in the field of dance education.
The newsletter contains the following focus themes:
Standards in Action
daCi USA selects one outstanding integrated dance curriculum to publish in each newsletter. These curricula are shining examples of how to exceed the dance standards and put the focus on the child.
A spotlight on a leading dance professional who has shown exceptional leadership and teamwork in the field.
An article that advocates dance education and introduces a new way of thinking about the field.
Conference News
Highlights of the best moments of the past conferences.
New books and publications that complement the theme of the newsletter.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming local, national and international conferences and festivals.
daCi in Print
daCi international publishes a newsletter that addresses and informs daCi members worldwide. This great resource presents advanced research projects in dance education, upcoming conferences, and exciting reports from our fellow members across the globe. This publication is only available with a daCi international membership.

Member Publications
This page lists books and publications that our members have authored during their careers. An amazing resource for your dance education research, teaching and personal library!